WINTER Newsletter Feb25
Dear CycleOut members,
This month, our club begins its twenty-seventh year serving the LGBTQIA+ cycling community. Hundreds, if not thousands, of recreational cyclists have begun their passion for this sport within our close, warm, welcoming, and relaxed group. We aim to maintain this environment while encouraging, challenging, and improving the overall cycling experience for all our members.
2024 saw another safe successful year with a wide range of rides, social events, fun-packed holidays, and weekend breaks. We thank you all for your contribution and everyone’s support, especially the energy and enthusiasm of our volunteers.
Winter can be challenging for cycling, forcing us to lead shorter and simpler rides. Your committee embarked on a membership survey and held a strategy session to explore ways to meet such challenges. The strategy's components and status can be found on the website's Newsletter page. If you can help or have any other suggestions for what we should focus on, please write to the committee at info@cycleoutlondon.org.uk.
Once again, thank you all for making the club what it is today. We look forward to your continued contributions and a healthy cycling year ahead.
Yours sincerely
Per the survey, keep rides to 80-100KM max at a moderate pace but also consider short rides bearing in mind the weather and restricted daylight hours. (Implemented)
Obtain commitment from Ride leaders to lead at least one ride in Q1 25. (Implemented - robust rides programme in place)
More focus on social aspects with additional events, including pub nights, dinners, theatre, concerts and art galleries. (Ongoing - good progress made)
Include some indoor cycling events such as Velodrome and Zwift. (Open - seeking volunteers)
Set up bike maintenance workshops. (Open)
Ramp up communications with the reinvigoration of the periodical newsletter. (Completed)
Refresh the online Strava group description and photos. Allow people to join the Strava group, even if aren't yet CycleOut club members. (Completed)
Improve social media presence. Draw up plans and actions (training & practical external support). (Open - this continues to be a challenge)
Rides and Ride Leaders

Many thanks to the ride leaders who made the 2024 programme possible. We safely completed over 55 day rides in the south east and weekend trips in other regions as part of our exciting new partnership with OutVelo. In addition the twice-monthly laps in Richmond Park ran throughout the year.
Following a consultation process, the ride grading was simplified in summer 2024 to Relaxed/Moderate/Challenging which has improved understanding and helped members choose rides most suitable for them.
We are a volunteer club and to thrive, we need to spread ride leadership more evenly. We have a library of routes we have used in the past, and it is easy to find routes on Kamoot or Ridewithgps.
Experienced ride leaders would be more than happy to co-ride new leaders on their first few times. Please speak with the Ride Coordinators Peter Gibb and Mike Mitchell (or any committee member) if you would like more information (or encouragement!) about being a ride leader.
Congratulations to our newest ride leader, Doug who led a brilliant ride from Godalming this January!
Eric's WINTER teaser

So you think you know Richmond Park! Try this.
A pair of Sky Knight Pro Cycling Socks for the first person to email info@cycleoutlondon.org.uk with all answers correct.
1. To the nearest kilometre what distance is the Richmond Park Loop?
2. To the nearest minute what is the record for cycling the Richmond Park Loop?
3. Which twentieth-century monarch was born at White Lodge, Richmond Park?
4. Which 2000 film by director Stephen Daldry features White Lodge, Richmond Park, as a significant location?
5. There are herds of two species of deer in Richmond Park, name them.
6. Which philosopher and mathematician (and Prime Minister’s grandson) spent his early years at Pembroke Lodge, Richmond Park?
7. Which member of the British Royal Family still lives in Richmond Park?
8. Richmond Park is one of eight Royal Parks. Name the other seven - they are all in London. (There are two other “parks” which are managed by The Royal Parks, but these may be ignored.)
Ride Diary (January)
January has been a tough start to the year from a weather perspective. Eric’s New Year’s Day ride was cancelled due to heavy rain. Then the mercury dropped significantly and Mark’s ride had to be postponed from the 11th to the 25th. We did in the end get 5 rides underway in the month plus the Richmond Park Sunday's.
Always check SPOND for the latest updates.

Welcome to our latest CycleOut member

I’m Paolo and I grew up in the Pompei area outside Naples. I’ve always been keen on sport, travel, languages and keeping fit. And as a keen musician, I had my own band in Naples which was gearing up for a published recording… before I left Italy to pursue the love of my life ❤️.
I started riding when I was a teenager back in Italy. My father bought me my first Bianchi! Originally I come from the Bay of Naples, Italy. But I have lived in Godalming now for the past 16 years - and with my husband for 12 of those years.
I love road and mountain biking; the distance doesn’t matter but the company makes all the difference. The longest ride I’ve done so far 60 miles - in the New Forest. But I have also cycled on the Isle of Wight as well as extensively around Surrey.
I have played rugby with our local team. I loved the camaraderie and the challenge.
Social Diary

The CycleOut Christmas bash on December 7th was a huge success!
34 of us came together for a very enjoyable evening at the Crown Pub near Piccadilly Circus. The food was exceptional at this Nicholson owned venue, especially as menus at this time of the year can be pretty average. We had the room upstairs to ourselves and it was decorated very tastefully.
A big thanks to Ben who put together a quiz that certainly jelled the evening. And a massive thanks to Nick for finding and organising the venue.

Friday 31st January was our first CycleOut visit to Friday Lates at the National Portrait Gallery with post drinks at Half Way to Heaven.
These events are very enjoyable and a good way of meeting other members.
Holidays and Mini-breaks
Mallorca - April 12th to 19th 2025. Not long before twenty-nine of us, plus some WAGs, head to a week of cycling and sunshine in Mallorca and we are fortunate that many of our experienced ride leaders will be along for the ride. Detailed ride planning is underway and new ideas are very welcome! Cap de Formentor, arriving by van is being looked at, plus the epic Sa Calobra climb is an option. It's still possible to join the trip even for part of the week, thanks to its simplicity, flexibility, and the relationships we have built with the bike supplier as well as the hotel. Meanwhile, don’t forget, you have plenty of time to ramp up the training and endurance.
Oh and don't forget to bring or buy your CycleOut summer jersey! How to order: Please send an email to info@cycleoutlondon.org.uk with your size, choice of Elite or Club fit and whether you want a Summer or Winter jersey. We'll email you back with the payment details. The price per jersey is £67 including delivery. The size guide is available on the website.
Mallorca - October 4th to 11th 2025. We’re excited to be offering a second trip, this time in Pollenca, northern Mallorca. Here we can explore a different and very beautiful corner of the island. It will be a joint trip with OutVelo, a club we have successfully partnered with over the last year. The details are now on Spond.
Useful Links

If you are looking for a great mechanic in SW London then Eric Quirin’s home-based bike service is first class and recommended by several CycleOut riders. He has a 24/48 hour turnaround and is flexible in an emergency.
Use code CYCLEOUT for 10% off your first service
CycleOut Platform Links

CycleOut has a Group account which is a good place to see what all the other members are doing.
The club always strives to ensure all members feel happy to participate in all activities. We welcome anyone regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, or other beliefs.